The journey and it’s gift!

The journey and it’s gift!

I’ll be lying if I’d say I wasn’t waiting for this journey in my life, the most beautiful journey from me to mommy.

If you’ve read one of my earlier post, you would know how I had a normal conception after being told by a lot of doctors that the only possibility I’d ever have will be an IVF. I was shocked how they decided my treatment even though I wasn’t trying for conception then and was only concerned about getting my PCOD fixed.

My Pregnancy – those beautiful 9 months!

My first trimester was spent mostly on the bed with nausea and acidity as my best friends and I decided to take it slow with work. I understand not everyone has this opportunity but I wanted to be extra careful and it also came as a perk of being my own boss. I’ve suffered from migraine since years unknown, and the first trimester triggered it to a different level altogether. Things slowly became better, in fact magical starting from the very first day of the second trimester. I suddenly started feeling so energized that I would be active even until midnight, in the best of moods and the best, I started to enjoy eating. My husband and I took a week long break in Goa. September wasn’t the best season to be there but all i wanted was a beach at that moment.

The year 2019 became the best year for me in terms of health, work and family. I understood how food plays the most important role for your health. I understood Nutrition, Calories, Fat and Exercise. I was able to reverse my PCOD and conceive naturally. That year was also the best in terms of work. Starting second trimester until the last day of my pregnancy, I was a part of 15+ weddings. Just in case you’re new here, I design Invitations & Stationery under the name Kaagaz & Co.

Weddings, Festivals, Parties, I attended them all during my pregnancy with all the ease, comfort and good health. There was so much joy from within.

On the day of Lohri 2020, we had a get together planned at home. I was nearing my due date (which was mid of February), so we wanted to have a good celebration before the baby arrived. Least did we know that was our last get together (since Covid happened later). And then I spotted!! This was one thing I was very cautious about my whole pregnancy and I didnt want anything to go wrong now that i was closer to term. Nervous, Anxious and Scared, my husband and I rushed to the hospital and got relieved only after my gynaec’s three words “Everything is fine”. She did warn me that it could be a sign of early labour. And all i was worried about was my hospital bag not being packed then. I had a planned induction because of my fluctuating BP levels at the end of 38th week.

It was a Sunday morning, I felt like cooking my favourite Rajma Chawal and Masala Paneer, my brother and bhabi joined us for lunch, I made Kadah Prashaad, we went to the Gurudwara and then straight to the hospital on the evening of 2nd of February. I was induced the same night, felt the first painful contraction around 3 in the morning, my water broke around 10:30 and the contractions got intense around 11-11:30. My husband and 2 nurses were by my side rubbing my back and legs with every contraction. It became unbearable, I tried to remain calm recalling my physiotherapist Dr. Arvin’s words to not scream and deep breathe. I finally gave in and went for an epidural around noon. I could still feel the contractions come and go, but the pain had subsided. My gynaec made me do squats in the labour room, which was funny but totally worth it. The amazing staff, nurses and team of doctors at Chaitanya made it all so smooth. About 2.5 hours and some 20 pushes later, a beautiful little Baby Girl came in our lives. Some days I still cant come to terms with the fact that my body made this tiny human.

They say ‘it takes a village to raise a child’. I’d like to add ‘it takes a lot of support and good vibes from your husband, immediately family and the team of doctors to give birth’. It’s such a beautiful journey. Choose your doctor wisely, at any moment you feel you’re not convinced about something, question, question, question. Do Not google everything. My Physiotherapist, Dr. Arvin, made sure I remained active all throughout and i made sure I didn’t disappoint her and my body. I exercised right from the 4th month until the last day and even on my labour room bed.

Please please DO NOT compare your pregnancy with anyone. We all have different bodies, so is each pregnancy. Keep moving in those 9 months. The idea is to remain active, not over exerting yourself. Enjoy your cravings but do not over do them. This is the best time for you.

Can you believe, I had aversion from chai in my first trimester?
Thank God I started to enjoy it again later!! :)

Would love to hear your pregnancy and delivery journey.

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